
Dear Neighbor,

The Friends of Armour Lake invite you to join our lake association.

Every one of us can agree that we love our lake, and want to preserve and protect this valuable asset. The purpose of FOAL is to do just that.

Become an annual member, and for just $25 you can help care for and maintain our beloved lake as a recreational resource for yourself and future generations.

Here are just some of the things the Friends of Armour Lake do:

  • Monitor and protect our loons and osprey
  • Paddle the lakeshore in search of invasive species
  • Conduct SECCI disc readings, monitor lake levels, phosphorous levels and water temperature to determine water quality
  • Support the Presque Isle Town Lakes Committee (PITLC)
  • Sponsor the Friends of the Van Vliet Hemlocks
  • Maintain our own website
  • In 2011 we undertook a comprehensive fish survey (results were mailed to every Armour Lake property owner, and are on our website)

And we always want to maintain a healthy reserve fund, in the event of a threat to our lake, such as an invasive species outbreak, a drainage problem, or serious erosion.

With a strong lake association, we have a formal way to disseminate information to all lake residents quickly. We also have several optional social activities and an annual meeting during the summer.

Let’s go for 100% membership in FOAL!

Please fill out the form below and send it with your $25 dues to:
Friends of Armour Lake
PO Box 31
Presque Isle, WI 54557

Thank you all.

FoAL Membership Form